is a beautifully produced stripped-back affair where Jo's close-up
voice (the production is such that you can almost touch the breathing
and phrasing) clutches you from the very first note of the very first
poignant track 'Lend Me Your Love' and will not let go until the fade
of the last number. If you have ever been lucky enough to have
seen Jo live you will know how demonstrative she is on stage. I saw
her many years ago totally absorbing the high vaulted acoustics of an
old chapel like a lightning conductor – so to be able to retain
that electric magic in a studio, as she does, is a sure sign of the
emotional power of her distinctive voice.
has always been surrounded by top class musicians and one of the
things that make this album so impressive is the way their classy
presence - particularly the oh-so-delicate piano (Mark Edwards) and
string arrangements – is so beautifully dovetailed into the songs
that they are barely noticeable. In consequence, the voice, quite
rightly, has nowhere to hide. One of the covers on the album,
Jo's absolutely heart-breaking rendition of the Michael McDonald song
'I Can Let Go Now' is a fine example of the subtlety of the
accompaniments, even when she is reaching out with increased volume
and passion. This track alone would make a best-selling single but
everything on here is a fabulous demonstration of her ability to get
right to the core of a song and imbue it with her own distinctive
don't care if Jo sings the blues or ballads or boogies to some swing.
What has become clear over the years is that her voice is an
extraordinary, unique, powerful and emotional blessing. It is obvious
that she totally engages with her material, wherever it comes from –
and if you get this album, I guarantee you will find it difficult not
to take that emotive journey with her. A wonderful piece of world
class artistry.